I Will Help You Unlock Your Creativity and Discover Your Unique Sound
I Will Help You Unlock Your Creativity and Discover Your Unique Sound
And If You Don’t Make A Pro Quality Track Within 6 Months... 
 We Will Work Together Until You Do
And If You Don’t Make A Pro Quality Track Within 6 Months... 
 We Will Work Together Until You Do
HOLISTIC CREATIVITY: Real People, Real Transformations

your transformation could be next ⬇️

How Travers Got Noticed By A Big Artist 6 Months After His First Time Ever Making Music

How Max Reclaimed His Happiness And Made 4 Pro Quality DnB Tracks In Under 3 Months

How Paya Found His Unique Sound And Achieved Professional Mixes In Under 3 Months

How Jake Attained Complete Clarity On His Musical Path And Started Finishing Songs Consistently [Click here For Jake's Soundcloud]

How Evan Exploded His EDM Production Quality in Just Over 2 Months

How Joseph Stopped Overthinking His Sound And Started Pumping Out 4 Tracks Per Month

How Will Signed With A Record Label And Started Growing An Authentic Digital Presence

First, Just A Little About Me:

as you can see above musicbylukas has supported what I do
you can see that by clicking here
& you can see the reel I made right here
(musicbylukas is the biggest music social media mentor in the industry)

Having Music That Stands Out Is NOT Easy.
When You Join, You Get REAL Support
no gatekeeping... just everything you need to win
Holistic Creativity Is A Community.

Travers: before and after

Max: before and after

Austin: before and after

Paya: before and after

An inside look to some of the members of HC... meet Austin:

(as you can see we chat about all of it.
music theory, production, social media, mindset, 
sound design, mixing, branding)

 next we have Miki:

 and Joseph:

 and Travers:

(Travers made his first dubstep track in under 3 weeks after never
making that genre before in his life)

 and Will:

(getting recognized by a dream label in his genre three weeks after joining)

 and Ciara:

 and Paya:

(making a month of progress in one hour)

What Others Have Been Saying Lately...
“been trying to figure out how to get it that loud... for legit like 8
“I’m pretty sure you got elf ears... lol...”
“your stuff is genius... undeniable across the board”
“the method you’re using sounds so rich and full...”
“No one like you. Revolutionary”
(here's proof)

Small Call to Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline

⬆️ (True is a client  (@truethehero on IG) I've been working with to grow his social media brand. in 2 months he went from 0 to 30K followers)


^ Podcast and interview of me

Book Your Application Call Now

Book Your Application Call Now

During Your Call...

During Your Call With The Team...

  • We'll get clear on what you're looking to accomplish...
  • Then we'll have a listen to your current music & take a look at your social media...
  • After we take a look, we'll give you a plan of action we could take to help (based on your goals)...
  • ​Lastly, we'll discuss what it looks like to work with us.


  • Coaches/Consultants/Course Sellers: This is our bread and butter. If you are this person you have so much opportunity with social media it’s not even funny. Info businesses scale to the moon when done right, especially on social media.
  • Agency Owners: You own an agency. You are getting clients from outbound. And you want to get more from inbound or you want to diversify your product stack and add more coaching etc. We can and will help you. We have helped tons of agency owners get consistent inbound leads and build out new offers.
  • Business Owners: You have a successful business on a different platform or using a different channel to get leads and you want to dive into social media and grow a new channel of awareness. This is very common and this is for you.
  • Complete Beginners: You may be a complete beginner to social media and that is ok. If you have an idea for a business or a coaching product or something you want to sell and you know social media is for you we can and will help you.
  • Social Media Side Hustles: You have a side hustle with social media. You’ve sold some coaching, have a group or an ebook or something. You’ve made some money but just aren’t really sure of where to go next. You need a plan and our system.
  • Faceless Social Media Page Owner: I own dozens of faceless social media pages. They are incredibly hard to monetize especially depending on the niche. I have solutions for all of them. You need a backend system more than anyone. Stop relying on your social media to be a business alone, attach real systems to it.
  • Established Online Social Media Business Owner: You have a business that’s already generating leads from social media and selling. Maybe you’re even doing 6 figure months or more but you just feel like something is missing. Something isn’t clicking. You’re working too hard, or you have plateaued… we’ll give you clarity on it and help you smash straight through.


  • You aren’t serious and have no skills or experience to share with a social media audience. You need to get out in the real world and start building. Get some skills, start growing your agency or company a little bit. Know what you want to do more. Have a vision. Then we can help. (Example: You want to sell fitness coaching but look like you don’t work out… I can't help you.)
  • You are trying to get rich quickly and just want to make money. Nothing is get rich quick per say. I will help you make more money faster than you’ve ever made it from social media before. But if you don’t have a long term mindset and don’t want to actually work this isn’t the place for you.
  • ​You cannot afford the service fee. If you cannot afford our one-time service fee you are not a good person for this because you are not in the position or right mental state to scale your business. You need to go get more money before you can think about starting or building a business using social media.


I won’t sit here and lie to you like most marketers and business owners would in this day and age of fake flexing, fake screenshots, fake results and general shady practices.

“Oh bro I might end the program soon it will probably close in the next month get in asap blah blah blah” - Some marketer everyday on his Insta story

That will never happen with me.

However there are 4 things that I know will always be true:

  • Price will go up: Inflation is not going away. Life gets more expensive. And more importantly… people will continue getting results. Then more people will want to join. The group we have and the service we have will get flooded with more buyers. I will be forced to raise prices because of massive demand (have already done this twice) and because I can simply charge more and make more money. This is a business with a dozen employees after all. So if you want the opportunity to get in before the masses take your spot… right now is that opportunity.
  • We can only help 30 people a month: As of today we can only help 30 new people every single month. That is a cold, hard, FACT. The spots are in fact limited. As you know from reading above, our service is VERY CUSTOM. Meaning if we bring on too many new clients in a month our service quality will diminish. Therefore, if you don’t contact us basically right now to reserve your spot as you read this you will HAVE TO WAIT because we are filling these spots like clockwork every month.
  • It will get harder to grow your social media business overtime: I’ve been growing social media pages, personal brands and online personas along with the backend businesses behind them since 2018 and I know one thing to be true. Competition will increase. It will get harder. The cool things you can share now won’t be cool in 2 months, or 2 years etc. We have 5 years left to really take advantage of this opportunity before you’ll have to be really really special to grow very big online. The new wave of business is online creators but it will definitely NOT last forever. And other, easier, more simple opportunities will come along. The window of opportunity for easy growth as we know it will close. So if you know you want to do it or are already doing it but want to go faster… why would you wait until it’s harder???
  • We will only work with you if we can help you achieve your desired results: What’s wrong with scheduling a call just to see? You want to achieve your goal right? If you’ve read this far you probably believe we can help. Why wouldn’t you at least explore what the service looks like specifically for you and its price by speaking on the phone directly with my right hand guy? There is no pressure to buy. We will never do that. But we will offer you a spot if we believe we can definitely help you. 

And look, truth be told… I want to make money. I do that by working with more people. I do that by putting you through this process, getting you amazing results and elevating you to work closer with me and my company at my agency. I will never turn down people that we can 100% absolutely help (unless spots are full).

And I will pitch you on working with me (tastefully) to the ends of this earth if I believe to my core that what I do will help you.

If you’re a fit based on what I outlined above and want to go to the next level… then Apply Below.

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This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: All testimonials on this page are from real people, but the results you see on this website and its page are not typical, Holistic Creativity and our clients are dedicated creatives and are incredibly hard-working people who seek feedback constantly and push through adversity and setbacks. Their experiences do not guarantee similar results. Individual results may vary based on your skills, experience, motivation, as well as other unforeseen factors. The Company has yet to perform studies of the results of its typical clients. Your results may vary.